Friday, August 03, 2007

Electronic Publishing -- an Insight...

Electronic Publishing or ePublishing as it is known is something that is very new to India (at least for certain sections of people).

As I am from that industry I would like to give some Insight as to what ePublishing is all about.

We all hear about Publishing and really confuse it with Printing. Well Printing is just on of the parts of publishing.

Well for a bit of History. Man (no racism here, man = human being) has always had the need to present or express the ideas in some form of the other. It is said that the in the very start people used to carve on rocks, pictures, emotions etc. and started communicating. Then pictures were painted on walls and simultaneously various languages started to evolve. Communication was the utmost need that gave birth to these things.

Moving ahead people thought of expressing the languages that are being spoken this gave birth to characters or letters as we know them and started expressing themselves. Mind you there are certain languages that still don't have any means of expressing it visible, I mean on paper or whatever we use currently. I just saw on the television there is a certain tribe in Egypt (Egypt as a long history of civilization), still don't have any script for their language.

Characters evolved, then scripts evolved and now in modern days we are able to communicate using various means and methods, blogging for instance.

Back to publishing, when these scripts evolved, it was necessary that these were communicated to the public in one form of the other. With the evolution of paper, people used dyes or colors made from natural stuff to paint them on the earliest form of paper and distribute it. People could now put their thoughts on paper and circulate them.

Likewise, many pages of paper were put together to make documents or books as we call them and were being circulated. Few people thought this was a good idea to firstly make the content presentable and then make money out of it. Thus started the history of Publishing houses where people having various skill sets were put together to compile the authors work into books and then sell it in the market. The Author started making money by selling his or her thoughts and the Publishing house made money by providing the facility to the author to circulate his or her content... So Publishing is not just about Printing. And mind you Publishing is not just about making money ... We bloggers publish our work every now and then.

Now what is Electronic Publishing or ePublishing. Paper has been into business long time and will still stay in business it wont go. But as times are getting better the need to communicate has also growing. The world is now connected with each other and is getting smaller each day because of new methods of communication and internet playing a major role.

So "People" why not use this ability of the technology to connect in the area of Publishing also. So now documents or books or journals are also available in eformats, that is now you can read a book online or download it to whatever device you have like a PDA. With smart phones in the market you can have loads of content available at your disposal just by a click of the button.

There are various forms or formats in which this content can be made available. PDF, Microsoft Reader, Mobipocket Reader (Note: The Readers are proprietary to their individual companies and I bear no relations with them), HTML, XHTML. Basically it is all XML driven set of readers.. Plus now that educating people with physical handicap is becoming mandatory, new technology like Digital Talking Books and Voice over readers are available in the market. Though the standards have come up about 4 years ago still the market is very new on this.

Well remembering school I remember the huge bag backs that we had to carry. Now children can carry their stuff, I mean the entire set of books on an USB. Wow thats good.

Well I can write more on this.

(Bloggers and Readers if you have any questions please feel free to communicate with me ... I will provide all information that I have and it is all good will :). Nothing Commercial here.)


Great Thoughts...

Anger is a condition in which
the tongue works faster than the mind.

You can't change the past,
but you can ruin the present
by worrying over the future.

Love...and you shall be loved.

God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.

All people smile in the same language.

Hugs are great gifts... one size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion
and it's easy to exchange.

Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not deserve it.

The real measure of a man's wealth
is what he has invested in eternity.

Laughter is God's sunshine.

Everyone has beauty
but not everyone sees it.

It's important for parents to live
the same things they teach.

Thank God for what you have,
TRUST GOD for what you need.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.

Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.

The choice you make today
will usually affect tomorrow.

Take time to laugh, for it is
the music of the soul.

If anyone speaks badly of you,
live so none will believe it.

Patience is the ability to idle your motor
when you feel like stripping your gears.

Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.

The best thing parents can do
for their children is to love each other.

Harsh words break no bones
but they do break hearts.

To get out of a difficulty,
one usually must go through it.

We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks for.

the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.

Happiness is enhanced by others
but does not depend upon others.

For every minute you are angry with someone,
you lose 60 seconds of happiness
that you can never get back.

Do what you can, for who you can,
with what you have, and where you are.

What is work?

Getting back to putting my "thoughts" again.

Most of the times I have some thoughts running through my mind.

What is work? Why do I have to work?

As per worldly principle work is a physical activity done to achieve an output. For me work is something that gets me going, helps me be myself. I have been always been motivated by work. Since childhood I have loved working without expecting anything out of it . With the love of work I have learnt many a trades just be observing or lending a helping hand.

I have learnt cooking by helping my mother, I have learnt bike mechanics by helping my father, I have learnt running a small time tea shop by helping my friend, I have learnt welding, a bit of carpentery, a bit of plumbing, a bit of everything and to add... a bit publishing tooo!! And I am learning still learning.

But everything helped me to motivate myself to work.

Why do I have to work?
I have to work so that I can earn money to pay for my needs as well as the needs of my family. But that isnt just it I have to work to keep my self fresh. To keep my mind from straying. To keep my mind busy. To help myself grow as a professional as well as a better Human Being. Work keeps me in contact with so many people. Helps me understand so many mentalities as well as emotions. But sometimes I think I was better of living with wild animals a real crude thought.

All in all work is something that we have to keep on doing till we reach the ultimate fact of life Death!!
